How Can I Add Color to My Home?
Aby and her designer friend, Drew, answer readers’ questions on upholstery, design, and everything in between every two weeks. Email them at and follow them both on Instagram @abysupholstery & @drewalbo
Just like so many of you all over the world right now, our team and I, here in San Jose, have been staying home a lot more often than usual. This has caused me and a lot of you, our clients, to look at their homes differently now that they’ve spent so much time in them. Needless to say, you’ve been reaching out, and we’ve listened. That’s why we decided to answer some of your essential questions here, On the Blog, regarding upholstery, design, and all of the things that fall in between.
Sarah Asks: I live in a small apartment that is, literally, 600 sq. ft. with my partner who is 6’ 5” and our terrier. Since COVID-19 we have been working from home, and it usually consists of one of us on the sofa/bed and the other at our dining table. We’ve been cooped up for a while now and just need something to boost our mood. I’ve been thinking of adding color, maybe by painting, but he’s nervous about it because we are renting and doesn’t want to ruin anything. How can I add color to my home without damaging or changing things too much?
I caught a glimpse of my living room from the entryway mirror the other day, and I realized something that, most likely, everyone is feeling at the moment. A desperate need for a mood boost. Let’s face it, you’ve been sick of looking, practically, 24-7 at your furniture, that’s the truth of the situation—and, you’re not alone. Apparently, with the help of some actual intellectuals who did research, this phenomenon is not mutually exclusive. In fact, a new study—which was conducted before the global spread of COVID-19—shows that changing scenery is a huge factor in staying happy. Which, probably, explains why I’ve spent so much time rearranging my own furniture in both my interior and outdoor space since we’ve been quarantined. And every time, like clockwork, I instantly feel better.
Now that we’re staying home, we can all accomplish these tasks that otherwise would have been on the back burner—and, if you’re in the need for a mood boost—all you have to do is rearrange your furniture!
Over the look of your sofa? Throw a quilt over it and turn it into something eclectic and creative. Or, upholster the piece in a bold and bright new color. I heard Indigo is the summer trend!
Tired of the same throw pillows? Buy some fabric and switch it up.
Now is the time to try something different with your home, as we’re staying home more frequently than ever. Introduce a new palette, funky patterns, and change your furniture arrangement. It might seem scary, but the truth is, the movement of these things will breathe some new life into your space, and subconsciously help your brain feel relaxed and happy. And when your partner keeps asking you why you keep switching up the furniture so much, send them my way and tell them science told you to do it!
XO, Drew Albo